Watershed (WS) Web Processing Service (WPS) and addon: short paper, poster, and demo

Some kind of information available to English speakers on this website is long overdue. We’ll eventually find time and translate the whole website, but in the mean time here is a synthetic article on some recent news.
From September 23 to 26 we attended the International Conference of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis (SAGEO), bringing together french speaking research scientists in geomatics. It was organised by working group MAGIS (GDR MAGIS) and hosted by the European Sea College Institute (IUEM), Brest, France.
There we presented and demonstrated SDI géoSAS, with a focus on the WSWPS (aka WPS Bassin Versant).
We iterated ont 3-6 October at the Festival International de la Géographie (FIG), Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, France, where we incidently ranked second (yes, we can prove it) in the geovisualisation contest organised by France’s National Research Institute (CNRS). Following this achievement a paper [Fr] was accepted for publication in the online journal Mappemonde. It will come on line shortly (here is a draft).
Hereafter you will find several documents and links related to theses events:

Extracting Watersheds/catchments can be done in four diferent ways, using the WSWPS, accessed via the associated geOrchestra addon (tools > hydrology >watershed / outils > hydrologie > bassin versant)

  • by clicking somewhere on the map, hence defining an outlet (point),
  • by selecting any number of points on a pre-loaded map (OWS layer, OGC Web Service),
  • by providing a GML file which contains the coordinates of any number of outlets,
  • by selecting a pre-loaded point OWS layer as a whole in the viewer.

Give it a try… [here]