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Les barrages sont à l’origine de modifications significatives du régime hydrologique, de la température de l’eau et des flux biologiques et biogéochimiques. C’est le cas des barrages de Vezins et de la Roche qui Boit, présents sur le cours principal de la Sélune, et d’autres plus petits obstacles qui fragmentent le bassin versant de la Sélune. Cette couche représente les barrages hydroélectriques de la Sélune, avec les batiments associés, en lien avec la production électrique. La géométrie de ces polygones est issue de plusieurs sources : BD Topo, OpenStreetMap (de 2019), complétée par photointerprétation. Des informations extraites du livre « Quand les rivières reprennent leur cours – Notes sur l’effacement de barrages et de seuils, sur la Sélune et ailleurs » ont été ajoutées pour décrire l'état (en service ou arasé), la nature et les caractérisques physiques de ces barrages.
Stations for continuous measurement of hydrological, physical, chemical and sediment parameters have been installed on the Sélune river, as part of the scientific program to monitor the leveling of the Sélune dams. Measurements have been taken on at least an hourly basis since 2014 at the latest. Since 2019, these stations have been part of the Sélune Observatory, which is responsible for monitoring environmental parameters (biotic and abiotic). All stations measure turbidity, water level and conductivity. Some stations measure additional physico-chemical parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll concentration. Samples are also taken at upstream (Pont de Virey) and downstream (Pont de Signy) stations, for laboratory chemical analysis. This layer shows the location of flow measurement stations.
As part of the Sélune observatory, pilot stations have been set up along the main course of the Sélune, distributed from upstream to downstream of the hydroelectric dams. Three stations are located in the former reservoirs of the dams, while the other two, known as the reference stations, are outside the area of influence of the former dams (one downstream and the other upstream). Aquatic biocenoses (including benthic macroinvertebrates, biofilms, macrophytes, etc.) are monitored at these stations. At each of these stations, benthic macroinvertebrates (bmi) have been sampled regularly, in spring and autumn, since September 2014 and in accordance with standard NF T 90-333. The fauna inventories obtained after determination can thus be used to calculate biotic indices such as the IBG-DCE and the I2M2. In addition, samples were taken using artificial substrates immersed for 1 month, in order to focus on measuring the "dam effect". The protocol is described in: Piscart C., Moreteau, J.C., Beisel J.N. (2006). Monitoring changes in freshwater macroinvertebrate communities along a salinity gradient using artificial substrates. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 116: 529-542. This layer gives the locations of these stations.
As part of the Sélune observatory, pilot stations have been set up along the main course of the Sélune, distributed from upstream to downstream of the hydroelectric dams. Three stations are located in the former reservoirs of the dams, while the other two, known as the reference stations, are outside the area of influence of the former dams (one downstream and the other upstream). At these stations, aquatic biocenoses (including benthic macroinvertebrates, biofilms, macrophytes, etc.) are monitored. 2 sampling campaigns (spring and autumn) for benthic macroinvertebrates (bmi) have been carried out since September 2014. During each campaign, 2 sampling protocols are implemented: - in accordance with standard NF T90-333, which enables the calculation of the IBG-DCE and I2M2 (‘SURBER’) - via artificial substrates immersed for 1 month (‘SUBART’), in order to focus on measuring the ‘effect of dams’. The protocol is described in: Piscart C., Moreteau, J.C., Beisel J.N. (2006). Monitoring changes in freshwater macroinvertebrate communities along a salinity gradient using artificial substrates. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 116: 529-542. This layer details the benthic macroinvertebrate taxa and their abundance obtained after analysis (according to standard NF T90-388). These data are distributed by campaign and by sector. Taxa presenting all the morphological criteria clearly visible and characteristic allowing the exactitude of their determination and an irreproachable state of conservation are integrated into the reference collection of the Sélune Observatory. This collection can be consulted on request (see contact point). Taxon determination is based on version v17 of the TAXREF reference.
The spawning grounds of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus are located within the perimeter of the Sélune Observatory. As this species is migratory, its colonisation of the Sélune river and its tributaries will probably be influenced by the removal of the Sélune dams. The spawning grounds are characterised by a depression accompanied by a sediment ejection dome immediately downstream. The stones returned to the dome are lighter, making the nests easily visible and identifiable for up to several weeks after spawning.
As part of the Sélune observatory, pilot stations have been set up along the main course of the Sélune, distributed from upstream to downstream of the hydroelectric dams. Three stations are located in the former reservoirs of the dams, while the other two, known as the reference stations, are outside the area of influence of the former dams (one downstream and the other upstream). At these stations, aquatic biocenoses (including benthic macroinvertebrates, biofilms, macrophytes, etc.) are monitored. At each of these stations, benthic macroinvertebrates (bmi) have been sampled regularly, in spring and autumn, since September 2014 and in accordance with standard NF T 90-333. The fauna inventories obtained after determination can thus be used to calculate biotic indices such as the IBG-DCE and the I2M2. In addition, samples were taken using artificial substrates immersed for 1 month, in order to focus on measuring the ‘dam effect’. The protocol is described in: Piscart C., Moreteau, J.C., Beisel J.N. (2006). Monitoring changes in freshwater macroinvertebrate communities along a salinity gradient using artificial substrates. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 116: 529-542. This layer gives the results obtained for the IBG-DCE and I2M2 biotic indices with the associated parameters (diversity, variety, etc.), as well as the number of samples taken (‘effort’ column). Finally, the layer contains the output from the ‘ODInvertebres’ diagnostic tool for benthic invertebrates, which aims to identify the most likely anthropogenic pressures causing changes in ecological quality (6 probability values for physico-chemical water quality and 6 others relating to hydromorphology or land use in the catchment area). Reference on ‘ODInvertebres’ : Mondy, C. P., & Usseglio-Polatera P. Using conditional tree forests and life history traits to assess specific risks of stream degradation under multiple pressure scenario. Science of the Total Environment 461 (2013): 750-760. The genus Baetis cited in the fauna lists refers to the genus ‘Baetis lato sensu’ according to the SANDRE nomenclature (Sandre code: 9794). Taxa presenting all of the clearly visible and characteristic morphological criteria enabling them to be accurately identified and in an irreproachable state of conservation are included in the Observatoire Sélune's reference collection. This can be consulted on request (see point of contact).
Un obstacle à l’écoulement est un ouvrage lié à l’eau qui est à l’origine d’une modification de l’écoulement des eaux de surface (dans les talwegs, lits mineurs et majeurs de cours d'eau et zones de submersion marine). Seuls les obstacles artificiels (provenant de l’activité humaine) sont pris en compte. Les données présentées sont issues de la couche de données ObstEcoul_FXX publiée par le SANDRE restreintes spatialement à l'emprise du bassin versant de la Sélune. Les données récupérées ont été mises à jour le 30/07/2024 à partir du flux mentionné ci-dessus et retraités pour compléter le type de l'obstacle avec un champs "nature" de l'obstacle représentant une aggrégation des types identifiés sur les valeurs suivantes : "Barrage", "Buse", "Digue", "Pont", "Seuil" et "Non renseigné". L'aggrégation mise en place pour renseigner le champ "nature" est la suivante : 1/ récupération des types d'obstacles présents sur le bassin versant (champ de la donnée source "CdTypeOuvr"). 2/ récupération des libellés associés dans la référence SANDRE : https://api.sandre.eaufrance.fr/referentiels/v1/nsa/284.csv?outputSchema=SANDREv3.1 3/ Filtre sur ces libellés pour renseigner le nouveau champ "nature" : - si le libellé contient "barrage" alors "nature" est initialisé à "Barrage" - si le libellé contient "buse" alors "nature" est initialisé à "Buse" - si le libellé contient "digue" alors "nature" est initialisé à "Digue" - si le libellé contient "pont" alors "nature" est initialisé à "Pont" - si le libellé contient "seuil" alors "nature" est initialisé à "Seuil" - si le libellé contient "non renseigné" (initialement code vide) alors "nature" est initialisé à "Non renseigné" Les autres champs proposés le jeu de données sont issus du flux SANDRE original mais renommés. La correspondance est fournie dans le dictionnaire de données associé.
Registre Parcellaire Graphique anonymisé du Morbihan et rotations culturales de 2006 à 2014. La rotation culturale indiquée correspond à celle de la parcelle principale de chaque ilot déclaré à la PAC en 2014. Travail réalisé par l'UMR AGIR INRA et l'ODR INRA. Un identifiant non signifiant permet de retrouver les ilots d'une même exploitation.
Registre Parcellaire Graphique anonymisé d'Ille et Vilaine et rotations culturales de 2006 à 2014. La rotation culturale indiquée correspond à celle de la parcelle principale de chaque ilot déclaré à la PAC en 2014. Travail réalisé par l'UMR AGIR INRA et l'ODR INRA. Un identifiant non signifiant permet de retrouver les ilots d'une même exploitation.
Registre Parcellaire Graphique anonymisé des Côtes d'Armor et rotations culturales de 2006 à 2014. La rotation culturale indiquée correspond à celle de la parcelle principale de chaque ilot déclaré à la PAC en 2014. Travail réalisé par l'UMR AGIR INRA et l'ODR INRA. Un identifiant non signifiant permet de retrouver les ilots d'une même exploitation.