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Cette donnée raster résulte d'une classification par méthode d'apprentissage profond à partir d'imagerie très haute résolution spatiale (1.5m) SPOT 6/7. Des post-traitements ont été effectués afin de mieux caractériser les classes relatives à l'artificialisation.
La densité de bâti est calculée par maille de 150 mètres de côté et sur la base d'une extraction du bâti à partir d'imagerie très haute résolution spatiale (1.5m) SPOT 6/7, pour les années 2015 à 2019.
Les taches urbaines distribuées sont caractérisées par des formes très variées. Ces formes peuvent aller d’un aspect très compacte (proche d’un disque, forme de compacité maximale sur un plan) à celui de formes très digitées ou de filaments, s’approchant de lignes plus ou moins sinueuses. Le suivi de cette dimension de compacité morphologique permet d’estimer si l’artificialisation due aux taches urbaines suit des extensions homogènes ou des extensions hétérogènes. Cet indice est calculé à l'échelle des EPCI d'Occitanie et pour l'année 2019.
Hyperspectral data were obtained during an acquisition campaign led on Toulouse (France) urban area on July 2015 using Hyspex instrument which provides 408 spectral bands spread over 0.4 – 2.5 μ. Flight altitude lead to 2 m spatial resolution images. Supervised SVN classification results for 600 urban trees according to a 3 level nomenclature: leaf type (5 classes), family (12 and 19 classes) and species (14 and 27 classes). The number of classes differ for the two latter as they depend on the minimum number of individuals considered (4 and 10 individuals per class respectively). Trees positions have been acquired using differential GPS and are given with centimetric to decimetric precision. A randomly selected subset of these trees has been used to train machine SVM and Random Forest classification algorithms. Those algorithms were applied to hyperspectral images using a number of classes for family (12 and 19 classes) and species (14 and 27 classes) levels defined according to the minimum number of individuals considered during training/validation process (4 and 10 individuals per class, respectively). Global classification precision for several training subsets is given by Brabant et al, 2019 ( in terms of averaged overall accuracy (AOA) and averaged kappa index of agreement (AKIA).
The evolution of infrastructure networks such as roads and streets are of utmost importance to understand the evolution of urban systems. However, datasets describing these spatial objects are rare and sparse. The database presented here represents the road network at the french national level described in the historical map of Cassini in the 18th century. The digitalization of this historical map is based on a collaborative platform methodology that we describe in detail. These data can be used for a variety of interdisciplinary studies, covering multiple spatial resolutions and ranging from history, geography, urban economics to the science of network. (2015-01-15)
Hyperspectral ENVI standard simulated images. Spatial and spectral configurations generated correspond to ESA SENTINEL-2 instrument that was lunched on 2015, and HYPXIM sensor which was under study at that time.
Les taches artificialisées sont calculées sur la base d'une extraction du bâti à partir d'imagerie très haute résolution spatiale (1.5m) SPOT 6/7, pour les années 2015 à 2019. Deux distances de connexion sont proposées, à 50m et 100m.
Les données de nodata par année (entre 2015 et 2019) correspondent aux zones de nuages et de leurs ombres portées sur les images satellites SPOT 6/7 utilisées pour la classification d'occupation du sol, donnée source pour les analyses géographiques qui ont suivi (extraction des espaces bâtis, des taches urbaines, indicateurs spatialisés)
Full hyperspectral VNIR-SWIR ENVI standard image obtained from the coregistration of both VNIR and SWIR ones through a signal aggregation process that allowed to obtain a synthetic VNIR 1.6 m spatial resolution image, with pixels exactly corresponding to natif SWIR image ones. First, a spatially resampled 1.6 m VNIR image was built, where output pixel values were calculated as the average of the VNIR 0.8 m pixel values that spatially contribute to it. Then, ground control points (GCP) were selected over both images and SWIR one was tied to the VNIR 1.6 m image using a bilinear resampling method using ENVI tool. This lead to a 1.6 m spatial resolution full VNIR-SWIR image.
The map described here was produced as part of the Resilient Productive Territories (RPT) project. This project is funded by the World Bank. Reference of the database used to produce these maps: Dupuy, Stéphane; Lelong, Camille; Manasse, Marie Esther; Rambao, Jery; Mondésir, Jacques Philémon; Gaetano, Raffaele, 2021, "Nippes - Haïti - 2020, Reference Spatial Database", doi:10.18167/DVN1/29RZMQ , CIRAD Dataverse,V1