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Meteorological observations from weather stations interpolated on a 25x25 km grid, on a daily basis from 1979 to the last calendar year completed, for France. Meteorological observations are freely accessible via OGC SensorThings Standard service : Observed properties : - maximum air temperature (°C), - minimum air temperature (°C), - mean air temperature (°C), - mean daily wind speed at 10m (m/s), - vapour pressure (hPa), - sum of precipitation (mm/day), - potential evapotranspiration from a crop canopy (mm/day), - total global radiation (KJ/m2/day), More informations on Agri4cast Resources Portal :
Flow domain and catchment boudaries. Example used in: Thomas Z., Rousseau-Gueutin P., Kolbe T., Abbott B.W., Marçais J., Peiffer S., Frei S., Bishop K., Pichelin P. , Pinay G., J.R. de Dreuzy, Constitution of a catchment virtual observatory for sharing flow and transport models outputs, Journal of Hydrology, Available online 5 May 2016, ISSN 0022-1694,
This vector map indicate the Berambadi Monitoring Borewell Locations
This vector map delineate the boundary of the Berambadi watershed
Data corresponds to the long-term monitoring of streambed sediments conducted in Kerbernez through Fiber Optic (FO) DTS technology. The streambed temperature is continuously monitored at high resolution all along the FO cable in order to highlight and quantify groundwater/stream exchanges. Further details are available in the file: and results are presented in Simon et al. (2021)
Data corresponding to the active-DTS experiment conducted in Kerrien by deploying and burying an heatable FO cable in the streambed sediments (in the wetland area). Further details are available in the file: and results are presented in Simon et al. (2021)
International Action AICHA - Adaptation of Irrigated Agriculture to Climate Change in India. Berambadi Site.