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  • Cette carte a été produite dans le cadre du projet FUI-2012 SIRHYUS (Services d'Information pour la gestion des Ressources HYdriques et de leurs USages) et a bénéficié d'une aide de l'Etat gérée par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche au titre du Programme Investissements d'Avenir pour le projet EQUIPEX GEOSUD ANR-10-EQPX-20.

  • Cette carte a été produite dans le cadre de la convention 2010 -- 0190 de l'Agence de l'Eau Rhône Méditerranée et Corse concernant l'optimisation d'une méthode de quantification du rôle des corridors rivulaires sur l'état écologique des cours d'eau.

  • A very high spatial resolution Land Use and Land Cover map was produced for the greater Marino watershed (Peru) using the MORINGA processing chain. The methods involved multisource satellite imagery and a random forest model, as well as manual post-treatment. The final map provides important information for environmental management and monitoring and contributes to developing standardized methodologies for accurate LULC mapping. Classification 2019 – Level 2

  • A very high spatial resolution Land Use and Land Cover map was produced for the greater Marino watershed (Peru) using the MORINGA processing chain. The methods involved multisource satellite imagery and a random forest model, as well as manual post-treatment. The final map provides important information for environmental management and monitoring and contributes to developing standardized methodologies for accurate LULC mapping. Classification 2019 – Level 3

  • A very high spatial resolution Land Use and Land Cover map was produced for the greater Marino watershed (Peru) using the MORINGA processing chain. The methods involved multisource satellite imagery and a random forest model, as well as manual post-treatment. The final map provides important information for environmental management and monitoring and contributes to developing standardized methodologies for accurate LULC mapping. Training Dataset

  • A very high spatial resolution Land Use and Land Cover map was produced for the greater Marino watershed (Peru) using the MORINGA processing chain. The methods involved multisource satellite imagery and a random forest model, as well as manual post-treatment. The final map provides important information for environmental management and monitoring and contributes to developing standardized methodologies for accurate LULC mapping. 3 levels are available with the training dataset

  • A very high spatial resolution Land Use and Land Cover map was produced for the greater Marino watershed (Peru) using the MORINGA processing chain. The methods involved multisource satellite imagery and a random forest model, as well as manual post-treatment. The final map provides important information for environmental management and monitoring and contributes to developing standardized methodologies for accurate LULC mapping. Classification 2019 – Level 1